
1 MA student at Department of English Language, Sepdian Branch, Azad University

2 Assistant professor at Department of English Language, Sepdian Branch, Azad University


Many studies have been conducted on peer feedback in the fields of education in general and applied linguistics in particular. In spite of peer feedback’s popularity and benefits, there are some gaps in the peer feedback research. To fill the gaps, this study, through using a quasi-experimental design, tried to compare the effects of classroom peer-feedback with those of teacher-feedback on improving self confidence among Iranian EFL learners.  Recruiting two classes with 30 and 29 participants as control and experimental groups, the researchers gathered the data through administering a questionnaire. The data gathered from pretest and posttest questionnaires, were compared through t-test statistical procedure. The results indicated that both teacher and peer feedback resulted in higher self confidence among advance language learners. However, peer-feedback overrode teacher feedback in improving students' self confidence. The findings have implications for EFL teachers and materials developers.


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