Guide for authors

Authors are strongly advised to make sure that they have followed the following guidelines before submitting their manuscript; failing to do so may negatively affect the initial review result.


Please Use a Short Informative Title. The Title of the Paper should be Centrered; the Font Size Should be Times New Roman 14 and Bold-faced. Capitalise the Initial Letter of Every Content Words and all four-word, or longer, words.


Abstract (the abstract has to be centred. Use font Time New Roman 14. Bold-face the word abstract.)

Use a single paragraph, which may range in length between 150-250 words. Please, do NOT change any of our pre-set formatting (i.e., headers, footers, line spacing, indentations, etc.) in this file at all. If the line numbering (in the left margin) has changed into Arabic or some other non-English formats on your computer, please do NOT attempt to change it; do not worry! We will take care of that as well as all other formatting issues once we receive your manuscript. Please, do NOT use tabs, column breaks, and page breaks. The abstract should include the following parts: background to the topic, aim of the study, methods, results, and implications. Please, do not indent the abstract and use font style Times New Roman and font size 12 for the abstract and the keywords. Please, add between three and five keywords (ordered alphabetically) immediately after the abstract, with each keyword separated by a comma.

1. Introduction

Type your introduction here. Please, use regular font style Times New Roman and font size 12 for Introduction and all other parts of the manuscript. In your introduction, familiarise readers with the topic under investigation, state the problem, discuss the significance of the study, set the goal(s) of the study, and state research questions. Follow the seventh edition of APA guidelines for in-text citations, use single spacing between the lines (but no spacing before and after the paragraphs), indent the first line of all paragraphs (for consistency, use the Word processor paragraph First Line option at Special), and justify all the lines in your Introduction and in the other parts of the manuscript. Use regular font style Times New Roman and font size 12 for all headings and subheadings.

2. Literature Review

Type the literature of your work here. Use theoretical framework(s) relevant to your study, review the most recent research related to the topic of the study, cover all the key variables of the study, and use as many subheadings as you can to explain the points, but the subheadings should be numbered and italicized.

3. Method

3.1. Participants

Describe the participants in your study. If needed, use tables.  

3.2. Materials and Instruments

Describe your teaching materials and data collection instruments here. Explain to readers the tests, scales, questionnaires, interviews, or any other instruments you used to collect your data. Report their validity and reliability indices. Capitalise the Initial Letter of Every Content Word.

3.2.1. Instrument 1

If you have tertiary-level headings, (e.g., when you describe each of the teaching materials and data collection instruments separately under a different heading), make the heading bold italic and Capitalize the Initial Letter of Every Content Word.

3.2.2. Instrument 2

If you have tertiary-level headings, (e.g., when you describe each of the teaching materials and data collection instruments separately under a different heading), make the heading bold italic and Capitalize the Initial Letter of Every Content Word.

3.3. Procedure

Describe to readers how you did your study here. Provide a detailed account of exactly what you did from the beginning to the end of the experiment. Also describe in full detail how the participants were selected, grouped and homogenised (if applicable).

3.4. Data Analysis

Discuss the computer program(s) and statistical tests you used to analyse the data.

4. Results and Discussion

4.1. Results

Report the results of your analyses here. Feel free to use as many tables and figures as you need in this section. Please make sure you use the following examples as a guide for the inclusion of tables in your manuscript. Textual information should not copy the contents of tables and figures, but it should supplement the information in tables and figures. Please, note that table titles and figure captions appear on top of the tables and figures (see journal manuscript template). Use font style Times New Roman and font size 10 (or smaller) for the contents of all tables (if the tables tend to be very bulky).  These procedures should be followed for tables and figures in other parts of the manuscript. All tables and figures should be included in the appropriate places in the manuscript and should not be submitted on a separate file.

Do NOT directly copy and paste tables from SPSS or other computer programs. Use the Word processor of your computer to redesign tables and do not use the ready-made table designs in your Word processor.


4.2. Discussion

Here, compare the findings of your study with those of the previous studies, explain to readers unexpected results, provide support from other sources for your findings, and evaluate the findings in terms of theory and plausible explanations.

5. Conclusion and Implications

Conclude your study here. The conclusion(s) you draw should relate to the goals of the study, derive from the findings, and reflect the significance of your findings. Do not repeat the findings here. Furthermore, discuss the theoretical (if any) and practical applications of your study, explain the limitations of the study, and outline the avenues for further research in this section.

Acknowledgements (Required)

Authors need to acknowledge the help they have received from their colleagues, experts in the field, and other people who, one way or the other, contributed their time, expertise, and knowledge.


  1. Provide your notes here (if you have any).
  2. Use as few notes as you can.
  3. Number your notes, please.



- Please, start the references on a new page. All reference entries should follow the latest edition of APA (now seventh edition) guidelines strictly, and they should be organised in a hanging indent format (ordered alphenetically), implying that the first line of each reference is flush left and subsequent lines are indented (see journal manuscript template). Please, include only the works cited in the manuscript. NEVER use endnotes to prepare reference lists.

- The doi of all the sources must be presented as the full link and not just the number. For example, numbe

Hoffmann, M. (2009). Visualizing ethical controversies and positions by logical argument mapping (LAM): A manual. Retrieved July 12, 2012 from http:// bitstream/handle/1853/30188/wp50. Pdf. (a sample for manuscript downloaded from the Internet without specific journal information. Avoid such sources as much as you can).

Mayer, R. E. (2001). Cognitive theory of multimedia learning. In R. E. Mayer (Ed.), The Cambridge handbook of multimedia learning (pp. 31-49). Cambridge University press.  (A sample for a book chapter)

Nunan, D. (2003), The Impact of English as a Global Language on Educational Policies and Practices in the Asia-Pacific Region. TESOL Quarterly, 37(4), 589-613. (A sample for a paper reference)

Richards, J. C. (2008). Teaching listening and speaking: From theory to practice. Cambridge University Press. (A sample for a book reference)



All appendices should be placed after reference list on a new page. For each appendix, an informative title is needed, as shown in the following sample appendix.

Appendix 1

Discourse Completion Test for Eliciting Suggestions

Instruction: In the following situations, if you would like to say something to your classmate, please write down the exact words you have said. Thank you for your cooperation.