
1 Islamic Azad University, Shiraz Branch

2 Department of Foreign Languages, Shiraz Branch Islamic Azad University


This paper discusses the relationship between Iranian EFL learners’ beliefs about writing with their L2 writing self-efficacy and performance. The participants of this study were 70 female and male Iranian undergraduate learners ranging in age from 20 to 35. Among three dimensions of beliefs about writing, recursive, audience orientation and transmission belief, recursive orientation and transmission beliefs had positive significant correlations with learners’ writing performance. This means that those who consider writing as a process but not a product as well as those who regard writing as a means for reporting what authorities think are more successful writers than others. The results showed that beliefs about writing correlate with students’ writing performance. In this study, it was found that no statistically significant relationship between audience orientation belief and learners’ writing performance. In other words, Iranian EFL learners do not pay attention to the needs of their readers. Moreover, there was significant relationship between learners’ beliefs about writing and their L2 writing self-efficacy. Also self-efficacy was shown to have a major impact on the students’ performance in this research. The results help teachers to predict influential effects of students’ beliefs on their L2 writing performance.


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