Document Type : research paper


1 PhD in Education, Faculty of Education, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

2 Professor in Applied Linguistics, Department of English Language, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran


The realm of education has experienced significant transformation driven by swift advancements in technology, leading to the rise of virtual learning as a key instructional approach. Within this context, the Flipped Classroom (FC) model has gained prominence as a modern and innovative methodology. This model inverts the traditional classroom structure, contrasting with conventional classroom practices by frequently incorporating instructional content through videos or PowerPoint presentations. The study investigated the effect of FC model on sixth-grade students’ self-efficacy in Iran. Employing a quantitative research approach, 100 male sixth graders aged 12-13 were chosen in accordance with their English proficiency Test scores. Then, these participants were divided into a control group, experiencing
traditional classroom teaching, and an experimental group, undergoing FC instruction using the Shad application platform. The study spanned two months, covering key English Grammar objectives. Both groups took a pre-test at the beginning, followed by 16 sessions of grammar instruction. A post-test assessed the teaching impact. Independent-Samples t-tests compared the two groups’ post-test means. The findings demonstrated a significant performance improvement in the experimental group when compared to the control group. This suggests potential benefits for educators, policymakers, and institutions in adopting FC methods to improve academic literacy and student perceptions of virtual learning.


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