Document Type : research paper


1 PhD candidate of TEFL,،Department of English Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 ELT Professor ،Department of English at TarbiatModares University, Tehran, Iran

3 TEFL Associate Professor ،Department of English at Imam Ali University, Tehran, Iran


The present research responds to the call for implementing diagnostic assessment through learner involvement. This study followed two aims: first, examining the distinctive effects of diagnostic self- and peer - assessments on EFL learners’ reading comprehension; second, exploring students’ diagnostic rating accuracy in various reading genres. To achieve this, a number of diagnostic reading comprehension tests and a checklist were developed, the construction of which were based on the learners’ challenging reading subskills. The participants include 60 English translation university students. During 12 weeks of instruction, the rating accuracy of the subjects’ diagnostic self- and peer- assessments were investigated while the instructor ratings were taken as the yardstick. Data analysis, using T-test and MANOVA confirmed that the two groups had improvement in reading comprehension but there was no significant difference between the two groups’ gain. In addition, no statistically significant difference was detected among the accuracy of diagnostic self-, peer- and instructor- ratings except for the assessment of main idea and supporting details subskill in descriptive genre and cause and effect subskill in narrative genre. This study can offer evidence for conducting diagnostic assessment through learner engagement to provide students with appropriate feedback and remedial instruction.


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