Document Type : research paper


1 Ph.D. Candidate, Department of English language , Sharheza Branch , Islamic Azad University , Isfahan, Iran

2 University of Isfahan

3 Department of English Language, Faculty of Humanities, Shahreza Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran


Technological innovation creates new opportunities for teachers to practice new method of language teaching. During the last twenty years, increasing attention has been devoted to the notion of technology and education .Innovative teachers try to find different new methods for language teaching to improve their quality of teaching. Having sufficient information about the level of teachers' technological innovation is an effective predicator of language learners’ achievements. Therefore, current research sought to assess Iranian English language teachers’ level of technological innovation. The main data were collected from 375 EFL teachers compromising 125 university teachers, 125 high school teachers and 125 institute teachers through a predesigned and validated questionnaire and interview. The results from the MANOVA indicated no significant differences between the high school, language institute and university EFL teachers’ overall means on technological innovation. Findings also revealed that most of the teachers are almost at the same level and have some information about technological innovations and try to apply them in their process of teaching in the classroom. The findings could provide implications for EFL materials developers, policy makers, teachers, and syllabus designers.


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