Document Type : Research Paper


1 Petroleum University of Ahvaz Iran Language Institute

2 Sheikhbahaee University


The importance of task-based instruction for developing writing as one of the most demanding tasks within SLA field is neglected in many EFL/ESL contexts. The researchers in this study intended to investigate the role of task manipulation in developing EFL learners’ grammatical accuracy and lexical complexity of argumentative writing. Furthermore, the task-manipulation effects on the frequency of three meta-cognitive sub-processes of generation, elaboration and organization of ideas were explored. To this end, 50 Iranian EFL learners from Sheikhbahaee University of Esfahan were selected based on their availability and their performance on the Oxford Placement Test. Then, they were randomly assigned to three experimental groups, and one control group. The data were collected individually through a task of writing, think-aloud protocol and retrospective interview. The results showed positive effects of task manipulation along resource-dispersing dimension on the grammatical accuracy and the positive effects of task manipulation along resource-directing dimensions on the lexical complexity. However, the results of the frequency of meta-cognitive sub-processes were indicative of the positive effects of task manipulation on the generation and elaboration of ideas but not on the organization of ideas. The study suggests that there is a trade-off effect at work which is responsible for the quality of the writing and the frequency of the metacognitive sub-processes.


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