Zahra Sabaghzade; Neda Fatehi Rad; Leila Anjomshoa
With a view to the recent educational developments in addition to the increasing adoption of critical pedagogy (CP) in educational systems worldwide (Grassini, 2023), taking critical digital pedagogy (CDP) in the field of teacher education within the context of Iran offers numerous benefits, like encouraging ...
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With a view to the recent educational developments in addition to the increasing adoption of critical pedagogy (CP) in educational systems worldwide (Grassini, 2023), taking critical digital pedagogy (CDP) in the field of teacher education within the context of Iran offers numerous benefits, like encouraging critical thinking, fostering creativity, building community, and empowering students. This exploratory sequential mixed-methods study aimed to develop a technology-laden, critical pedagogy (CP)-based EFL teacher preparation program (TCPTPP). In order to facilitate access to the participants, time limitation, and productivity of the cost effectiveness, 100 male and female teaching-English-as-a-foreign-language (TEFL) experts and 100 male and female EFL teachers participated in the study. To collect the data, the researchers used a semistructured interview and a close-ended questionnaire. Qualitative data analysis was done via open, axial, and selective coding through constant comparative methods. Quantitative data analysis was conducted through structural equation modeling (SEM). Through using grounded theory, a TCPTPP was developed in three main categories including pedagogical, socio-cultural, and criticality-related issues, each consisting of some subcategories. Moreover, the Cronbach’s alpha (.88) revealed that both experts and teachers endorsed the developed program. The findings have implications, redefining the policies and revising the current curriculum for EFL teacher education administrators and using educational technologies with the framework of CDP for curriculum planners and educators.