Document Type : Research Paper


Wollo University


Teachers’ effectiveness is highly dependent on the quality of training they receive, which is, in turn, affected by the teaching skills of teacher educators. This article, therefore, examines the relationship between Ethiopian teacher educators’ teaching skills and their trainees’ teaching performance. To achieve this objective, this correlational research targeted 11 teacher educators and 47 English language teacher trainees. The data were collected using questionnaires, observations and interviews. The analysis indicates that there is positive correlation (r = .90, p < .05) between teacher educators’ competence and trainees’ effectiveness in teaching primary school English language. Besides, although the teacher educators perceive themselves as effective trainers, their trainees revealed that the trainers were not effective in the areas of providing feedback and engaging their trainees in reflective practices during peer-teaching and recording their progress. A significant relationship was found between teacher educators’ performance and long-term success in the teaching effectiveness of trainees. Consequently, professional development programs should be organized for teacher educators. Additionally, the curriculum of teacher education should be revised. Besides, the Ministry of Education should devise a way of assessing the competence of teacher educators. Furthermore, teacher educators should encourage reflective practices during training teachers.


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